Thursday, February 17, 2011

Carbon Dioxide Concentration Graph

The horizontal scale of my graph is from year 1000 to year 2004.
It shoes 1004 years.
The vertical axis shows parts per million by volume.
The units increase by 20.
The total range shown is 200 to 400.
The picture came from scripps, ORNL, and IPCC.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Article + Questions

One of the most important natural factors on the mudslides in Guatemala are the rainy seasons between mid-may until october. With all the frequent earthquakes, hurricanes and heavy rain, it only makes matters worse.

Guatemalans cut down trees in order to make room for their crops and buildings. What they didn't realize is deforestation is making the mudslides worse. Without the trees, the soil doesn't absorb as much water and the there isn't as many trees in general to stop the mudflow.

People in Guatemala are now replanting trees in attempt to stop the deadly mudflows destroying buildings and people. Locals are also attending classes and joining groups to learn how to reduce the mudslide damages.